How to Grow Buckwheat Microgreens

Buckwheat microgreens may not be the first thing that crosses your mind when you want to start growing small scale plants, but that doesn’t mean they are not a viable and attractive option.

In fact, there are several good reasons why you should be growing buckwheat microgreens. We’ll take a look at the benefits of growing these plants and what you need to get started.

But first, it’s worth noting that buckwheat microgreens are often referred to as buckwheat sprouts. This is in reference to the fact they are harvested once the first leaves have sprouted and grown.

buckwheat microgreens
buckwheat microgreens

The real treat about growing anything as a microgreen is that you can generally harvest within 14 days of your first planting. That’s a very short space of time to enjoy the nutritional benefits and taste of buckwheat microgreens.

Buckwheat Microgreens Health Benefits

Buckwheat is usually grown for its seeds, which are similar to rain and a common option for anyone looking for gluten-free products. You may be surprised to discover it is actually part of the same plant family as rhubarb.

When growing buckwheat microgreens you’ll have small shoots, packed full of nutrition. Here are the main health benefits of buckwheat sprouts:

  • Gluten Free
  • Improves bone & teeth health
  • Can help to lower LDL (bad) cholesterol
  • Lowers risk of cardiovascular diseases
  • Prevents development of anemia
  • Lowers risk of gallstones
  • Reduce the risk of several cancers
  • Can help to regulate blood sugar levels
  • Reduces asthma incidences
  • Helps to maintain skin elasticity

Buckwheat microgreens are also being studied as a potentially powerful anti-inflammatory; this makes them one of the most powerful microgreens you can grow. The fact that it is easy and fast to do so is a bonus!

How to Grow Buckwheat Microgreens

  • Soak: 24 hours in cold water
  • Rinse/drain: Once before planting and at least once per day.
  • Time to germinate: 2 days, with a blackout lid in place
  • Harvesting: Ready in 6-12 days!

You can learn how to grow buckwheat microgreens by following this easy guide:

The first step is to soak the seeds in cold water for approximately 24 hours. Once soaked it is important to rinse the seeds in order to ensure there are no contaminants in the soil.

You’ll find the best planting rate is approximately 12 ounces of seeds for a 1020 tray.

Use soil to plant the seeds as this is their preferred growing medium.

It is a good idea to cover the tray with a blackout lid or something similar for 3 or 4 days. If you look after just 2 days you should see signs of germination occurring.

It is important to keep the soil damp during this period, but not to make it soggy.

The first leaves are likely to be yellow but these ill quickly go green once the sun hits them. You should be able to harvest your first crop in just 6-12 days.

You should wash the plants after harvesting them and be gentle handling them.

If you wish to cheat a little you can start your seeds off in a colander. This will allow you to rinse them and keep them moist while they start to sprout.

It is important to note that they prefer colder water; if you’re planning on growing them n warmer weather you may need to store them in the refrigerator.


If you can’t find the answer to your question here then contact me, I can help you to get the information you need!

How long do buckwheat microgreens take to grow

You can get your first harvest in as little as 6 days, although it can take as long as 12. The exact time you pick them will depend on how well they have grown and the flavor you prefer. The younger they are the Tangier they are.

How to eat buckwheat microgreens

Buckwheat microgreens are a great option as an addition to any salad or as a garnish on your meal. The fact that they are gluten free actually makes them a good option for most people with allergies.  Even if you’re just looking for a snack, these can be the best possible answer; one handful of them is enough to give you the nutrients you need and leave you feeling fuller for longer.

How to harvest buckwheat microgreens

Harvesting is surprisingly easy, you just need to wait between 6and 12 days then cut the stems as close as possible to the growing medium. It is important to clean them gently and then allow them to dry; before you eat or store them.

It is best if the plant is between 2” and 4”. You should also notice small leaves growing under the main leaves; this shows it’s time for harvesting.

Of course, as with any microgreen, they will taste best when eaten fresh. This should be easy as they are being grown in your house or garden.

How to store buckwheat microgreens

Like most microgreens, buckwheat has a short shelf life. If you’re intending to store them then you need to dry them between 2 pieces of paper towel. You can then place them in a container and store them in your refrigerator for a few days.

What do buckwheat microgreens taste like?

Delicious, of course! The younger and greener the leaves, the tangier the taste. You’ll have to choose your harvest time according to how you prefer the taste.

Is it safe to use normal soil

You should consider the quality of your soil before you add your seeds. If it is clean it should be safe. However, if you are not sure how clean it is then you can sterilize your soil by baking it in an oven for approximately 45 minutes on 180°F.

Are there any particular issues to be aware of?

It is essential to monitor your crop every day. Because they are a young plant they are particularly vulnerable to mold and fungal infection.

It is best to ensure the climate where you keep them is not too humid; this will prevent them from being an issue.

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